Hey everyone, it’s Soapy Joe. I’ve been wanting to try my hand at writing one of these blogs and the bosses are finally giving me a shot!

They told me to recap Soapy Joe’s Day 2019, which happened on Thursday, April 18. Here it goes…

Imperial Beach Cleanup

You probably think I’m already off-topic, but I know what I’m doing here. The road to Soapy Joe’s Day started on Saturday, April 13 with our Imperial Beach Cleanup. I hosted it and made sure my friends at Surfrider Foundation San Diego and WILDCOAST were onboard.

More than 170 volunteers, plus 25 of my coworkers here at the company, met at the Imperial Beach Pier that morning. In just two hours, we picked up over 150 pounds of debris and trash. Plastic. Paper. Styrofoam. Bottle caps. 150 pounds. Who is doing this? Please stop.

Aside from seeing how people are harming our planet, the beach cleanup was a good time for a great cause. Thank you to everyone who helped out!

Free Car Washes

If you know Soapy Joe’s Day, you know it means a free car wash at any Soapy Joe’s location. We’re talking thousands of free washes—so many that the home office team was out here washing cars, too. They love to get out of the office for the day.

Big shoutout to San Diego Mayor for once again proclaiming Soapy Joe’s Day and letting people know that it’s really about conserving water and caring for our planet. That’s why it happens right before Earth Day every year.

Free Air Fresheners

You’re not a true San Diegan until you have one of my air fresheners. This year, I had the marketing team make a special design for the occasion. We gave these out all week long. Good clean fun.

Free Tote Bags

Our Wash Club members don’t need a free wash because they join for unlimited washes. So, we gave them the chance to pick up a nice tote bag with me on the front. This isn’t your typical little tote bag. It’s huge and very useful. No need for any more of those plastic bags, this fits all the stuff.

Magic Potion Winners

We also upgraded 11 lucky members to our Magic Potion plan for the year. Congrats to the winners: Marion, Thaddeus, Edith, Susan, Peter, Peggy, David, Julie, Melissa, Andy, and Antoinette. Enjoy those extra details that make your car shine even more! The Thunder Falls are mesmerizing, aren’t they?

And that’s a wrap on Soapy Joe’s Day 2019. Don’t wait until next year for your next wash. Stop by any time and all the time.

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