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how can we help your cause?

We Are Dedicated to Building Community

Soapy Joe’s loves our neighborhoods and always tries to do our part to create an atmosphere of inclusivity and support in the community. We can assist your event, organization, or team in so many different ways — whether through direct sponsorship, donation, or fundraiser. We’d love to hear from you! Choose your ideal scenario below and tell us a little about your organization.

Soapy Joe’s is celebrating the brand’s 12-year anniversary in 2023. Over the past 12 years, Soapy Joe’s has donated nearly 200,000 free washes to the community. The nearly $2,000,000 support has benefitted communities such as veterans, healthcare workers, schools, hospitals, firefighters, and more.

Soapy Joe's logo with Soapy Joe holding a yellow flag with the text 10 Years.
Father and Son on Football Field


Are you looking for an item that will wow your crowd? We can tailor donations to fit your needs. We love to bring attention to great causes through raffles, auctions, and prizes.

Soapy Joe's Proud in Pink


Let us wash down cars while you tally up funds. Soapy Joe’s has led so many fantastic fundraising efforts. We have the formula for creating a buzz: Partner, promote, and soak in the good.

Coming Soon

Thank you to our Community Friends